Layouts Data Tags 版面的資料標籤
是data 的名稱 ,寫成
時, name2
是包含在集合name1裏的一個 data標籤 , 像. photo.url
. 不同的面元素( page element )頁 又包含了不同的widget,
所以主要分成了下列這些可用的資料標籤(data tag)
- 全域資料 Globally Available Data
- 頁面標題 Page Header
- 部落格Po文 Blog Posts
- 部落格存檔 Blog Archives
- 個人資訊 Profile
- 文字 Text / HTML / JavaScript
- 聯播 Feed
- 圖檔 Picture
- 標籤 Labels
- 列表 List
- 串連列表 Link List
- 標誌 Logo
Globally Available Data 全域資料
這些data值全部網頁都可以使用, 不像其它的data只能用在特定的widget. 但是前面要冠上blog字串<data:blog.title/>
, etc. - title: The blog's title. 部落格的標題 <data:blog.title>=
- pageType: 正在瀏覽的頁面之種類. 有 'item', 'archive', 或 'index'.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
目前頁面在歷史文章列表<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
目前頁面在分類標籤列表 不是首頁!!<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
- url: 現處頁面的網址.
- homepageUrl: blog的home網址.
- pageTitle: 現處頁面的標題. 通常就是指 blog title, 但在某種頁面 像是archive或post中,還有出現更多的資訊
- encoding: blog的編碼方式, e.g. UTF-8.
- languageDirection: 排列是 由左到右 或 由右到左
- feedLinks: Page header 自動的 feed links
頁面標題 Page Header
跟 <data:description/>
. - title: blog's 標題.
- description: blog's 描述.
部落格文章 Blog Posts
像每個部落格一樣 ,這邊是部落格裏 最中心同樣也最複雜的部份,你應該在撰文之前小心而且小動作的修改模版, 當你真的要修改這個部份,下面提到的data都是在這個widget中可用的
- feedLinks: 本頁面的 feeds
在主頁面 , 這就是主要的blog feeds
在內文(item)頁面 ,這就是包含了comment的 feeds
- url: The feed URL.
- name: The feed name (i.e. 'Posts' or 'Comments').
- feedType: The type of feed (Atom or RSS).
- mimeType: The mime type of the feed.
- url: The feed URL.
- olderPageUrl: 如果有頁面比現在的頁面還要舊的文章, 這個tag就是這些舊文章的網址. (並非所有的頁面種類都有這樣的tag)
- olderPageTitle: 舊文章的標題.
- newerPageUrl: 新文章的網址.
- newerPageTitle: 舊文章的標題.
- commentLabel: The phrase to use to show the number of comments, e.g. "comments."
- authorLabel: 文章的作者, e.g. "posted by."
- timestampLabel: 撰文的時間, e.g. "posted at."
- postLabelsLabel: 文章的 labels標籤, e.g. "labels for this post."
- backlinksLabel: Phrase to describe backlinks to this post, e.g. "links to this post."
- posts: 所有文章的列表.每篇文章還包含了下列的部份:
- dateHeader: 文章的時間, 今天的文章如果不止一篇 只Po在第一篇裏
- id: post ID.
- title: 標題.
- body: 內容.
- author: 作者.
- url: The permalink of this post.
- timestamp: 文章的時間, 跟 dateHeader 不同, 每一篇文章都有時間戳記.
- labels: 所有文章的label.每個label包含:
- name: 名稱.
- url: 所有相同label的文章. 的網址
- isLast: True or false. 這個label是不是在列表中的最後一個 (useful for placing commas).
- name: 名稱.
- allowComments: 'True' if this post allows comments.
- numComments: The number of comments on this post.
- showBacklinks: Whether to show backlinks for this post.
- numBacklinks: Number of backlinks for this post.
- addCommentUrl: The URL of the 'add a comment' form for this post.
- emailPostUrl: The URL of the 'email this post' form for this post.
- editUrl: The URL of the edit form for this post.
- feedLinks: A list of feeds specific to this post. (This is different from the overall blog feedLinks, as it may contain a feed for the post's comments, for instance.) Each contains the following:
- url: The feed URL.
- name: The feed name (e.g. 'Posts' or 'Comments').
- feedType: The type of feed (Atom or RSS).
- mimeType: The mime type of the feed.
- url: The feed URL.
- comments: A list of all comments for this post (on item pages only). Each contains the following:
- id: The numeric ID of the comment.
- body: The body of the comment.
- timestamp: The time the comment was created.
- author: The display name of the comment's author, or 'Anonymous'.
- authorUrl: URL of the comment author's profile, if the comment is not anonymous.
- deleteUrl: The URL for deleting this comment.
- isDeleted: Whether this comment has been deleted. (The text of deleted comments is replaced with a placeholder.)
- id: The numeric ID of the comment.
- dateHeader: 文章的時間, 今天的文章如果不止一篇 只Po在第一篇裏
部落格的存檔文章 Blog Archives
The different styles provided here are for the different default options on the Page Elements tab. If you're designing a new version, it's easiest to use 'FLAT' as the style, and then manipulate the rest of the data as desired.
- title: widget 標題.
- style: 顯示種類 'MENU', 'FLAT', or 'HIERARCHY'.
- data: A list of each archive unit, each of which contains:
- name: 名稱是以時間間隔為單位, 像是 "August 2006."
- url: 包含這段時間所有的文章的Link.
- post-count: 這段時間有多少篇文章.
- name: 名稱是以時間間隔為單位, 像是 "August 2006."
個人資訊 Profile Widget
For a blog with a single author, the profile widget contains the following information. Note that to access different parts of the
data, you'll use notation such as<data:photo.url/>
. - title: The title of the widget.
- userUrl: The author's profile URL.
- location: The location from the author's profile.
- aboutme: The "About Me" information from the profile.
- displayname: The author's display name.
- photo: The user's profile photo, made up of the following:
- url: The photo URL.
- width: The photo's width, in pixels.
- height: The photo's height, in pixels.
- alt: The "alt" text for the photo.
- url: The photo URL.
- title: The title of the widget.
- authors: The list of all authors, each of which contains the following:
- displayname: The author's display name.
- userURL: The author's profile URL.
- displayname: The author's display name.
variable to distinguish between the two cases. E.g. <b:if cond='data:team=="true"'> (display multiple authors) </b:if>
Back to the top.
Text / HTML / JavaScript Widget
The Text widget and the HTML/JavaScript widget work the same way and have the same two pieces of data.- title: The widget's title.
- content: The content of the widget.
Feed Widget
A feed widget's content is dynamically loaded using Google AJAX API after blog is rendered in a browser. It can be styled only using CSS.- title: The widget's title.
- feedUrl: The URL of the feed.
Picture Widget
A picture widget contains a single image, and provides all the relevant data for that image.- title: The title of the widget.
- sourceUrl: The URL of the image.
- width: The image's width, in pixels.
- height: The image's height, in pixels.
- caption: The image caption.
Labels Widget
The labels widget includes a list of all labels that are in use on the blog.- title: The widget title.
- labels: The list of labels, each of which contains:
- name: The text of the label.
- count: How many posts have this label.
- url: A link to a page displaying posts with this label.
- name: The text of the label.
List Widget
The simplest form of a list. Each item is just a single piece of text, without any different types of data within it.- title: The widget title.
- items: The list of items.
Link List Widget
A slightly fancier list, where each item has two parts to it: the text and the link.- title: The widget title.
- links: The list of links, each of which contains:
- name: The link's text.
- target: The link's URL.
- name: The link's text.
Logo Widget
It doesn't get any simpler than this one. Just one piece of data here.- fullButton: The URL of the Blogger button you've selected.
用 ******** 包住的不是原文 只是助憶跟舉例用 .